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TypeScript Support

CDN Integration

Using NPM

  1. Install package via NPM
  2. Add the following reference before using the widget:
    /// <reference types="@optum-ccg/convenient-checkout-ui/dist/widget/ccg-widget" />
    Note: Types support was added starting in package version 2.4.1


Add or augment your existing global typings file (usually named global.d.ts) with the following:

declare global {
interface Window {
optumCCG: {
* Note: For a comprehensive list of typings go to:
* @returns
OptumCCGWidgetInitializer: (
args: {
rootElement: HTMLElement;
appEnv: 'stage' | 'prod';
checkoutSessionId: string;
} & Record<string, unknown>
) => ({
render: () => void;
unmount: () => void;

NPM Integration

Starting with package version 2.4.1 the function OptumCCGWidgetInitializer is exported with types.

import { OptumCCGWidgetInitializer } from "@optum-ccg/convenient-checkout-ui/dist/widget/ccg-widget.min";

if using a version older than 2.4.1:

import { OptumCCGWidgetInitializer as UntypedOptumCCGWidgetInitializer } from "@optum-ccg/convenient-checkout-ui/dist/widget/ccg-widget.min";

import type cjsWidget from "@optum-ccg/convenient-checkout-ui/dist/cjs/widget-wrapper/OptumCCGWidgetInitializer";

const OptumCCGWidgetInitializer =
UntypedOptumCCGWidgetInitializer as typeof cjsWidget;

let ccgWidget: ReturnType<typeof cjsWidget>;