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To integrate with the CCG widget, it's important to understand three main components



Authenticated users are CCG wallet users, while anonymous users are considered guest users.

Widget Capabilities

Widget capabilities determine what actions a user can perform within the widget.

Manage wallet and make paymentPAYMENT_WITH_WALLETwalletHosted Embedded
Make one time paymentPAYMENTwallet, guestHosted Embedded
Add a payment methodPAYMENT_METHOD_ENTRYwalletHosted Embedded
Manage walletWALLETwalletHosted Embedded
Payment Method SelectorPAYMENT_METHOD_SELECTwalletHosted Embedded
Payment Method DisplayPAYMENT_METHOD_DISPLAYwalletEmbedded

Widget Experience

Widget experience determines how the widget is presented: as a hosted pop-up or embedded.

  • Hosted: Displayed as a browser pop-up, launched separately from the parent application.
  • Embedded: Integrated into the parent application for a seamless, thematically consistent experience with three embedding options: modal, inline, and drawer.
    • For details on container and capability combinations, click here.

Integration approaches

Choosing an Integration approach

Each integration option has unique attributes that make it suitable for different scenarios. Developers can choose the integration option that best fits their needs, based on factors such as the user experience and ease of integration.

Embedded ExperienceHosted Experience
Widget Experience (UX)embedded as a component into merchant applaunched as browser popup
SessionManaged by MerchantManaged by Merchant
Build Time Integration (npm)AvailableNA
Run Time Integration (CDN)AvailableNA
Usage within React AppYesYes
Usage within Non-React AppYesYes